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Maria Teresita Fernan Project Assistant
Cancer Surveillance

Year Degree Major Institution Country/Town
1998 Masters Public Administration and Management University of Antwerp Belgium / Antwerpen
1997 Diploma Development Policy University of Antwerp Belgium / Antwerpen
1900 BA Management Economics Ateneo de Manila University Philippines / Quezon City
Roles and Responsibilities

Assists in the administration and management of external grants including preparation of grant applications including budgeting and project planning;

Assists in the planning, administration and monitoring of the group work plans and budget;

Provides secretariat support to the work package on Screening and Early Detection in the Joint Action - European Partnership for Action Against Cancer (EPAAC JA) including administrative support for Work Package Leader in the preparation of technical and financial reports, organization of work package meetings and project activities;

Organizes internal and external meetings, duty travel, incoming visits, travel claims and cash handling. Provide administrative support and travel abroad to meetings organized by the group.

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Publication status

Published in section: WHO'S WHO

Publication date: 19 July, 2018, 11:21

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© Copyright International Agency on Research for Cancer 2025